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InfluxMD Automated Marketing


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You hear it everywhere: The business landscape has changed, and success means adapting to the changes or watching your business wither away. But what are the changes?

  1. Like it or not, businesses are no longer in the driver's seat; consumers are. According to a Salesforce study, 84% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products or services.
  2. The internet makes everyone an expert—or at least it gives everyone the information they need to become one. With 63% of shopping journeys starting online, consumers are more informed than ever before.
  3. Consumers want what they want on their timeline - not yours. In the age of on-demand services, 64% of consumers expect companies to respond and interact with them in real time.
  4. Marketing isn't just making the sale anymore. If your medical practice is to survive and grow, marketing means looking after the consumer relationship before, during, and after the sale. Studies show that acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing one, making relationship management crucial.
  5. Oh - and consumers still don't like to be sold. In fact, 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalized marketing messages.

So, how can medical practices adapt to these changes without sacrificing patient care? The answer lies in one powerful tool: Automation.

By leveraging automation tools, you can provide the personalized, responsive experience patients now demand, while freeing up your time to focus on what really matters – delivering quality healthcare


01: Finding The Right Tools To
Grow Your Medical Practice

Marketing lifecycle automation is tool-intensive, and we have selected the industry's best medical automation tools that can grow with your practice.

Marketing automation can make sales.

A HIPAA-compliant CRM like KEAP or LeadSquared generally handles lifecycle automation for medical practices.

That is not to say that the tools we prefer are the only ones you can use to automate your medical marketing lifecycle. There is usually no reason to change if you have invested in a CRM that supports advanced automation. We will help you set up programs in your existing tools as long as they meet our minimum requirements.

Dig Deeper Into Automation Tools
Finding the right automation tools
Influx MD Automation playbook

02: Finding The Right Strategy To
Grow Your Medical Practice

Our strength lies not in inventing strategies, but in our ability to adapt them to perfectly fit your situation.

Automation strategies to generate revenue

Think of the strategy we provide as a game plan or, if you prefer, a blueprint for your success. We adapt the plan to address missed opportunities and automate the process, ensuring it's efficient and doesn't take time away from you or your team. The key to any strategy is consistent implementation, monitoring, and constant adjustment to get the best results possible.

Dig Deeper into Automation Strategies

03: Putting It All Together To
Grow Your Medical Practice

Great tools, people, and strategies are only half the solution. Putting it together so that you have a powerful business generating model to work with is our "secret sauce."

How We "Make it so!"

We create text and email campaigns to keep your leads and patients engaged with nurturing content, including informative articles, educational videos, and interactive quizzes. Campaigns are clearly outlined and have built-in metrics so we know if they are working. Each campaign is designed for a specific conversion event that assists your leads in deciding on their next service or purchase with you. Our goal is to create content based on your consumers' needs and answer their questions to build trust and encourage them to select you as their healthcare provider.

Dig Deeper into Putting It All Together
Putting marketing automation all together